Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage Soup Recipe – Recipe#04

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Introduction : Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage soup is rather an ancient dish and is prepared in many countries of the world as far as it occupies its place in the traditional cooking of the peoples of the world. Sometimes just a bowl of this delicious and nutritious soup, and warm water with lemon, simple but useful – everyone will like who cares about their health.

In this article, we are going to discuss the following; why cabbage soup is necessary, an appealing cabbage soup recipe and the nutritional benefits of cabbage. Whether you are out in the cold and you require some warm soup or you are on a diet, attempting to gain, lose or maintain a certain size cabbage soup may be your best bet.

History of Cabbage Soup

Based on basic early records, cabbage soup can to some extent be paralleled with cabbages themselves that have been used by people since ancient days because of their economic value and long preservation period. The soup also gained a great following in the Eastern part of Europe and was especially prepared with potatoes, onions, and, at times, meat. In time, cabbage soup incorporated the changes of the palates of different people, and the diverse cultures brought in rich combinations and adjuncts. For instance, in Russia “shchi” is an age-old cabbage soup, and in Ireland, the cabbage soup is enriched with bacon or ham.

Health Benefits of Cabbage Soup

Low in calories yet full of vitamins and nutrients cabbage soup is a satisfying, tasty and easy meal for weight loss. Here are some of the key health benefits associated with enjoying cabbage soup:

1. Rich in Nutrients

  • It is for that reason cabbage has many nutrients per calorie that is rather low. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C that has immunological and antioxidant function and plays an important role in the formation of intercellular contacts as well as in the condition of the skin and blood vessels improvement. However, it also includes very small amounts of vitamins b6 and folic acid as well as manganese and other minerals.

2. Low in Calories

  • Other nutrients in Cabbage soup also contribute to its fitness for use in weight loss regimes as it is a low calorie product. The soup is virtually calorie-free, yet, as it is mostly water with fiber content, the feeling of hunger will still be effectively tackled. Because of this, it is one favorite among those people who are on low calorie diets or those into detox programs.

3. High in Fiber

  • Cabbage contains ample dietary fibers which help in maintaining the proper digestion system. Fiber ensures that one has a well functioning bowel, does not have a problem when it comes to constipation and further plays a role in the maintenance of gut flora. Cabbage soup is also rich in dietary fiber and consumption of the soup may aid in maintaining correct blood sugar levels and may help prevent possible cases of heart diseases.

4. Supports Digestive Health

  • Both water and fiber are effective in preventing digesting problems as it was experienced from the cabbage soup. Further, cabbage holds other vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals like glucosinolates and sulforaphane that have positive action on the gut and have potential protective effects against some kinds of cancer.

5. Antioxidant Properties

  • Cabbage has been found to contain polyphenol flavonoids and sulfur compounds that play an antioxidant role in the body and shield it from free radicals. Such stress damages the cellular structures and results in chronic inflammation that plays a pivotal role in the disease development of any kind, including heart diseases, diabetes, or cancer, for instance. Antioxidants present in the cabbage soup can therefore be effective in lifting inflammation in certain parts of the body.
Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage Soup Recipe

Ingredients for Cabbage Soup Recipe

  • Need the following essential ingredients:
    1 head of cabbage which would be small chopped.
    2 carrots, sliced
    2 celery stalks, chopped
    1 onion, diced
    Garlic 4 cloves of, minced
    6 cups of vegetable or chicken, preferably homemade stock.
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 can diced tomatoes
    Salt and pepper according to your preference
    Optional: optional spices such as bay leaves, thyme or any other type of herb.
    While preparing soup from cabbage then proper cabbage should be used in order that the best soup be prepared. But, to the cabbage soup, you know what you would like to put in it? Beans, potatoes or even meat make the soup even more sumptuous.

Directions of Cabbage Soup Recipe

  1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil at the middle heat. Sauté onion, garlic, carrots, and celery, and cook until softened, for about 5 to 7 minutes.
    Then, add the chopped cabbage and stir well with other vegetables in the pot.
    Then pour in the vegetable broth (or chicken broth as suggested by most of the cooks) and diced tomatoes. Other herbs or spices which may be added must also be stirred in too.
    After that, put the soup mixture to boil then you reduce the heat and let the soup simmer for about 20-30 minutes depending on the softness of cabbage.
    Add more salt and pepper depending on the taste in consideration. However, garnishing may be scraped off before the serving; mainly the bay leaves that were used in the preparation of the dish.
    This dish should be taken hot although a sprinkle of fresh, choice herbs or even a spoonful of cream could also be added on top.
    Here is a cabbage soup recipe which will give you about four to six servings though if you happen to live with a lot of people the above ingredients can easily be scaled up to feed a clan.

Check Out: Delicious Potato Soup Recipe – Recipe #01.

Variations of Cabbage Soup Recipe

What is special about cabbage soup is that it can be altered in a number of ways without much difficulty. For those who would prefer their knorr soup thicker, cooked sausage, ground beef, or beans can be added to the preparation. International influence may also be introduced for example using curry powder for the Indian recipe or miso paste for the Japanese recipe. It is also preferred to concentrate on vegetarian and vegan meals because it is not very difficult to prepare them using vegetable stock and exclude meat products.

Serving Suggestions for Cabbage Soup

Cabbage soup on the other hand can be prepared in many ways, and served with many side dishes and accompaniments and therefore is full bodied and complete. Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your cabbage soup experience:

1. Crusty Bread

  • It can be taken with a side dish of warm bread which has been toasted to crust. It is usually best with the European sourdough, baguette or rye bread that may be dipped in the broth.

2. Side Salad

  • For the compensation for the thick and filling cabbage soup prepare a side dish of a spirited and tangy salad. Rather than making it heavy by having a bowl of soup, it is good to take a simple green salad with a light vinaigrette or a tangy coleslaw.

3. Sandwich Pairing

  • If you want to have your cabbage soup as a full meal, it is recommended that you take it accompanied by a sandwich. Consuming your soup with foods like a grilled cheese, turkey club or even a ham and cheese sandwich will make your soup go a long way as a lunch or dinner meal.

4. Roasted Vegetables

  • Carrots, potatoes or Brussels sprouts baked in the oven are very tasty as a second dish. The sweetness that results from caramelizing the vegetables, goes well with the density of the cabbage soup.

5. Baked Potato

  • A baked potato with butter, sour cream or cheese is simple in preparation yet tasty to the palate and it complements cabbage soup. Thanks to the potatoes, the soup’s broth is not too thick and thick due to the creamy texture of the potato.

6. Garnishes

  • You can also use additions such as oils, herbs, and sauces to your cabbage soup so as to make it more delicious and appealing to the eye. As with most dishes, garnishing becomes easy once you have a little list of tender greens; use of fresh parsley, dill, or chives will be perfect. You may also put some drop of sour cream, or a sprinkle of cheese, or a trickle of olive oil on the soup.

Global Variations of Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage soup can be prepared in numerous ways with its basic form; the ingredients added vary from region to region. In Poland there is a famous dish, “kapuśniak” is a sour cabbage soup made from sauerkraut, the soup can contain pork. In Korea, “baechu guk” consists of a cabbage soup, which is mild in taste and is flavored with soy and garlic, and is usually taken with rice. To modify the cabbage soup recipe to meet international tastes is very easy, for instance, try to add spices and cooking ingredients endemic to your preferred cuisine.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Cabbage Soup

When preparing this meal, the cabbage should not be allowed to cook for a very long time since this will result in its softening. However, it should be very delicate, though somewhat crunchy to the bite. Improve the taste by coming to the boil and letting the soup cook for a longer time in order to blend well. In batch cooking, cook a large pot of soup and pack individual portions for use at least once during the week.

Conclusion : Cabbage Soup Recipe

Cabbage soup is one of the great and very healthy food items which can be prepared in a number of ways which are simply innumerable; I would not be surprised if there are thousands of methods. Thus, if one is in search of a new way of preparing the common soup, a new type of world cuisine, or he or she has a sudden desire for the cabbage soup, cabbage soup recipe will be quite suitable.

Try it at the comfort of your home and do not confine yourself to including or replacing one or some of the ingredients with the available ones. However, for all you soup lovers who may have other cabbage soup recipes or if you have tweaked the above recipes in any way that we have not mentioned, please drop us a line.

For more info : Click Here.

FAQs of Cabbage Soup Recipe

How long does it take to cook cabbage soup?

Preparation of cabbage soup takes approximately between thirty and forty minutes depending on the heat used to boil the water. This also assumes the time taken frying the vegetables and the time taken to cook the soup until the cabbage is fully done.

What are the health benefits of eating cabbage soup?

It can be used when ‘on a cabbage soup diet’, which is a diet intended to help lose some calories; it is healthy because it contains very little energy and is rich in nutrients. Among the known nutrients found in this product are; Dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, antioxidants which help the immune system, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

Does cabbage soup burn belly fat?

Cabbage soup on its own does not melt the fat on the abdomen, however, it is a useful product for fighting obesity due to its low caloric value and high content of fibers. As for the soup it contains a lot of nutrients, while maintaining the actual number of calories for a meal, which in turns helps to decrease the likelihood of fat deposit on the abdomen but the soup cannot be solely relied upon for reducing abdominal fat.

Weight reduction is generalized all over the body and this would inevitably be as a result of negative energy balance which is a combination of a metabolically appropriate diet and energy expenditure through physical activity. Therefore, while cabbage soup is beneficial for weight loss, it is not a burger-flipping miraculous diet to especially burn belly fat.

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